EMC United
Here to solve your EMC problems—ideally before they even start.
What is EMC?
We like to say that EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) is when you take a lot of electronics and pack them all in one place, be it a phone, car, or satellite, and you need them to all play nice together. When they don’t, you have EMI (electromagnetic interference)--and you might have a regulatory compliance issue. We want to shorten your learning curve with the knowledge and resources to prevent problems from occurring, but we’re also here to help with troubleshooting when all else fails.
EMC United has experience with aerospace, defense, automotive, medical, and consumer electronics systems. We’re here to make EMC less of a hassle for your company. We “translate EMC to English” to help you find the approaches that make the most sense for your product. We also have a broad and deep understanding of the international standards documents that hang over every hardware project.
For Hardware Companies and Designers
Are you struggling with an EMC problem that’s delaying your product launch? EMC United can help with troubleshooting. Would you prefer to never have to deal with a late EMC issue ever again? EMC United can help with education, requirements tailoring, design reviews, and precompliance measurements.
Depending on which lab you ask, 50 - 90% of products fail EMC testing the first time. If your competitors are living in the design-build-test-fail cycle, consider the advantages of getting ahead of EMC issues by addressing them early.
EMC Training
The best way to avoid EMC problems is to have staff who understand EMC fundamentals. They can make the best design choices so that late EMC problems don’t plague the product.
Design Reviews
The cheapest and easiest place to solve EMC problems is in the design phase. EMCU offers expert design reviews to spot potential EMC issues before they cause costly failures.
Precompliance Measurements
Before you take your product in for expensive official testing, cheap and fast precompliance measurements can give you a good sense of whether a product will pass or fail.
When all else fails, EMCU is here to help solve any last-minute EMC issues. In the course of solving the problem, we’ll also work through the fundamentals with your staff, giving them principles that will help avoid repeat issues.
More than many fields, EMC engineers tend to live and die by standards. There are the regulatory standards that we have to meet in order to get our products to market; then there are the best practice standards that we need to get our staff and suppliers to use to have the highest chance of success in meeting those official requirements.
EMC United has unusual expertise in the area of EMC Standards since President Karen Burnham is currently the Vice President of Standards for the IEEE EMC Society. In order to provide more information and guidance on EMC standards, we’re starting a resource site that includes articles with information, links, and tips regarding various EMC standards and their interpretations. We’ll be working over time to make it as comprehensive and up-to-date as possible; for now we’re starting out with some articles and guidance of the most-used standards out there. Please get in touch and let us know if there are any topics you urgently want us to cover, or if there’s additional information you think we should include or correct.

EMC Doesn’t Have To Be A Nightmare
EMC problems live in the counterintuitive intersection of physics and electrical engineering, in the third dimension that circuit schematics don’t capture. But once you learn the basic principles, you can avoid the most common pitfalls that trap people in the EMC lab. Let us help you out and launch your product as smoothly as possible!